Monday, February 11, 2008

Scripture for Today

VERSE: Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.
Proverbs 2:11

THOUGHT: My greatest mistakes have been made in haste, when I didn't allow a little prayer time to consider what I was going to do or say. While discretion and understanding are acquired through learning and experience, they are also a gift from God. But this gift doesn't come on demand. It comes from patiently seeking, trusting, and waiting on the Lord's guidance and from longing to live for him as a person of character.

PRAYER: Forgive me Father, for I fear that I am more often a "character" than I am a person of character. Forgive my selfish desire to play to the crowd. I confess that I sometimes try to be witty and popular, rather than being a person of discretion, understanding, and integrity. Help me please, dear LORD, to see through the temptation of haste and find your path to integrity. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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