Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Top 10 Things I am Thankful For

I know that Thanksgiving is over but, God is so good that I can not resist listing the top ten things I'm thankful for. Please comment and tell me your top ten!

1. For Jesus Christ, who died that I might have an abundant life.

2. My grandmother who did not have a car but sent me to church every Sunday that I was with her. She did not care the demonination of the church that her grandchildren attended. She placed us on the first church van that showed up on Sunday.

3. My grandmother who made sure that I said my prayers every night. She would wake me up to say them, if she was not sure if I had.

4. My mother who made sure I attended a Christian Elementary School and who took very good care of me growing up. She is still making sure I stay on task.

5. My beautiful and smart daughters who are focused and full of life.

6. My girlfriends. They are they best!! We have had a wonderful year. They keep me young, laughing and always have a listening ear. They turn my trials into triumphs.

7. Life lessons. Without them--I would not grow.

8. My brother who loves me in spite of.

9. A roof over my head, food to eat, clothes to wear, tears to cry, a voice to sing, ears to hear, feet to walk and dance and joy in my heart.

10. Last but far from least... this blog to share my life and experiences with you!!!

P.S. I also thank God for LOVE, LOVE, LOVE... Love is patient, love is kind...I love love!!! I love it so much. Let me say it in Spanish--"Me Amor Amor".

1 comment:

Lady Hummons said...

Lady Sells,
Nice Top ten list, very touching.