Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Scripture of the Day

December 18, 2007

VERSE: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord JesusChrist, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the presentevil age... -- Galatians 1:3-4 http://www.SearchGodsWord.org/desk/?query=Galatians+1:3-4

THOUGHT: Jesus comes to our rescue! Why? Because he knows the times inwhich we live aren't easy. He knows that the world in which we liveis caught up in wickedness. That, however, is not the only reality.He gives us great victory through his Cross. No wonder we can greeteach other with grace and peace. He purchased them for us.

PRAYER: Father, please help me distinguish between good and evil as Iconfront them daily in my life. Make evil repulsive to me despitethe many ways that Satan tries to make it look seductive. Thankyou, Jesus, for coming to my rescue when I was a sinner, unable tosave myself. Thank you for sharing your grace and giving me peace.Through the blessed Holy Spirit I offer my thanks and praise inJesus' name. Amen.

http://www.heartlight.org/cgi-shl/todaysverse.cgi?day=20071218Today's Verse is also available in:PORTUGUESE - http://www.iluminalma.com.br/dph/2/1218.html

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