Friday, December 7, 2007

Scripture for the Day

December 7, 2007
VERSE: Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the graciousand compassionate and righteous man. -- Psalm 112:4

THOUGHT: What a powerful promise! Just as night passes into dawn, for thegracious and compassionate and righteous, dawn comes even in theworst nights of deep spiritual darkness. The Holy Spirit isreminding us that even in those worst times of cultural decay anddecadence, Satan's darkness will not rule forever. His darknesscannot stay where Jesus' disciples reflect the character of theLight of the world.

PRAYER: Holy and loving God, help me to shine your light of holiness andJesus' light of hope to those trapped in darkness. O God, pleaseforgive my sinful failures. Please cleanse me and create a pureheart in me. I don't want to dim or to diminish your light as itshines through me. Help me so that I can more perfectly shine yourlight to those around me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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